Tesco_Supermarket_UK_British_Dairy_Cows_Milk_Lies_Advertising Advert   21st March 2017 MOTHER'S DAY WEEKEND not for COWS or BABY COWS KILLED and ABUSED!

False Misleading Advertising hiding the truths about how cows milk is obtained through cruelty and DEATH is how the big food industries ripping off customers by addictive unhealthy products funded by government tax payers monies...be it EU or National taxes 40 percent of any nations taxes goes to support Animal Agriculture Murdering living off other at their mercy voiceless no speak English animals born to suffer and be killed young for profits of lazy no good farmers who should work and earn their own living instead of being abusive murdering parasites of innocent harmless defenceless animals. This animal agriculture kills calves, their mothers, abuses them impregnating them forcibly in what the industry itself calls RAPE each year to then take away the baby calves and kill them also.

A simple comment about a March 2017 misleading promotion of failing falling sales nationwide in the UK as in all of Europe and the USA in recent years to try and bolster this failing lying cruel and unhealthy business and industry...desperate measure to tell us yet MORE lies...and deleting comments  politely reasonably pointing out the TRUTHS of the Cruel Unhealthy Dairy Industry

SOME of the Facebook posts...TESCOS are DELETING comments on the TESCO FACEBOOK PAGE to do with Truths and Myths and Lies about the Dairy Industry and Cows Milk

but FIRST for amusement and much truth is in jest..my comment on seeing a complaint about Tesco Standard British Breakfast !

Francesca StoneTesco

8 hrs

Visited Hillingdon Tesco Hastings yesterday and thought we would have breakfast in the new cafe that they had reopened. Well we were shocked when our breakfast came out with burnt sausages on the. We had to asked for the breakfast to be re done and as you see you couldn't play spot the difference with it. My dad being a retired head chef couldn't believe that he had to educate the staff there in how to cook a sausage correctly. Not only so they could provide some what of a decent customer service but the health risks that go with burnt food. Burnt food is carcinogenic which can cause cancer. I won't be surprised if this cafe lasts as long as the last cafe that was there if they carry on.
Tesco Good morning Francesca,

I am so sorry about your poor experience and service you received in store. I completely understand your frustration especially as this is a new cafe. Was this a Tesco Cafe or a third party within the store?

I'd like to take a few more details so I can get this looked in to. Could you please Private Message me with a description or names of any colleagues you spoke to and clarify what time you were in the store yesterday?

I'm having a bit of trouble locating which exact store you're referring to. Could you please confirm if this is the Hastings Extra store on Church Wood Drive TN38 9RB?

Also, did you speak to management in store regarding this or receive a refund for your meal yesterday?

Look forward to your response.
Tyler - Customer Care
Noelle Obcarskas the entire plate should carry a gov health warning...against cruelty murder of animals for no good use cancerous food as per world health organisation for humans causing death and starvation of 20 thousand children per day in the 3rd world where the only agricultural land that animal agriculture has not desertified is used by rich corporations to grow food for animals in the west.
LikeReply12 hrs

"We work with our farmers to ensure that their cows are Happy and Healthy" what a lie. Happiness of cows ? who do not Speak English ! who are impregnated and babies taken off them every year for 5 years until they themselves are taken to be killed in fear and terror like any animal being killed ! Baby cows calves taken away from their mothers and killed are happy cows ? come on !

Tesco dairy milk advert lies

Hi Tesco,

Could you please explain how exactly these dairy cows are 'happy'?
Are they happy when they are forcibly impregnated?
Happy to have their babies taken away?...
Happy to not be free?
Happy to not see their children grow?
Happy to be slaughtered when their milk production drops?

It is grotesque that you think you can trick consumers with this propaganda.

You have such a fantastic range of ethical, dairy free products, why do you need to do this?

There is no such thing as a happy dairy cow and I will not be shopping with you until you will remove this hugely misleading sign from your stores.
See More

Tesco Hi Ruby,

Thank you for getting in touch, we really appreciate you concern and we do everything we can to ensure the welfare and good treatment of our cows.

Producing around 8,000 litres of milk a year can be hard work for a dairy cow so it’s important to us that they are as healthy and happy as possible. To ensure this we have a dedicated agriculture team at Tesco, who are responsible for writing and implementing our strict Tesco Agriculture Requirements. We also work with independent experts, such as vets, to ensure we keep improving things. And to make sure our suppliers always follow these codes, our TSDG dairy farmers are visited every year by an independent auditor.

We have clear welfare measures for cow body condition, antibiotic usage, mortality rates, calving success, record keeping and more. We set targets for improvement each year, and monitor important areas such as lameness, cleanliness and cow health in each farm. This allows TSDG farmers to compare their performance with the rest of the group and allows us to target any help and resources to the areas where farmers need it most. Examples of improvements we have driven across the group include cow mobility (4.63%) and reduced abrasions (4.71%). To find out how farmers access and use this data via the new dairy health index in our Latest News on the homepage.

Calves produced on TSDG dairy farms are not allowed to be live exported, except for breeding
purposes, and transport times for all our cows are kept to a minimum. We do not support cloning and do not allow the use of growth hormones, and we discourage the prophylactic use of antibiotics.

Here is a link to our website which contains our fair for farmers guarantee, which includes additional information.


Have a lovely day, if you require any further assistance, please get in touch.

Thank you
Andrew - Customer Care

Fair For Farmers Guarantee
Connar Neacel Any reason why you delete the previous comment? Was the because there was too much truth for you guys to handle? What's to hide?
LikeReply1022 mins
Ollie Norris can you stop chatting a load of rubbish please tesco. Unless you've asked the cows and they have said they are happy unhealthy, then you can't really say much.
LikeReply1122 mins
Beckii Parnham I love how you posted this again so it would appear right at the top to hide the truth below 😂
LikeReply1322 mins
Claire Hart You're simply trying to justify animal exploitation. It is inexcusable.
LikeReply721 mins
Terri Norfolk By these standards.... if a woman was in an abusive relationship where her husband beats and abuses her, it's acceptable if he treats her well the rest of the time and makes sure she is well fed and "healthy"?!

That's basically how ridiculous you sound Tesco.
LikeReply820 mins
Daniella Loloikjjbhg What do you do with the male calfs?

(They are shot)

How do you get the female cows get pregnant? Year after year? Iv researched and usually cows are pregnant for 7 years? Just to steal the milk? To make money? That's so cruel
LikeReply810 minsEdited
Christina Chad So I'll repeat my reply on your comment that you deleted. "Fairness for farmers...?" how about fair for cows and calves? Radical!! #tesco, where is the "fairness" in repeatedly traumatising cows and calves, by their separation? To name but ONE trauma they experience ...
LikeReply616 minsEdited
Ruby Carter Hi Andrew,
It would appear we're going round in circles!
Thanks for your reply. I notice how you have completely ignored the fact that these cows are forcibly impregnated and have their babies away which takes a huge toll on their physical and mental
well-being. You claim these cows are happy but note no examples as to how you help their mental wellbeing and temperament.
It's nice to know Tesco supports live exports for breeding purposes, too.

I don't see any examples of anything humane happening to these cows which could grant them being 'happy'. I advise you take down this sign as it is misleading to customers who are fooled into thinking they are making an ethical choice by buying cows' milk. This is a real shame, Tesco.
LikeReply1215 mins
Andrew Goti I see you are simply copying and pasting the same answer, that is really a non answer. Why do you feel the need to stand up for this horrible industry? Is profit really worth genocide to you? I do appreciate however that you share the same plight as Lady Macbeth for her involvement in violent criminality: "I am in blood
Stepped in so far that, should I wade no more,
Returning were as tedious as go o'er". Why not join the other dairy companies that are ditching cruelty and changing their business model to only produce and stock plant-based milks? You would be remembered as heroes by future humans and current farm animals.
LikeReply815 mins
Tegan Christmas Would it not be better for you all round, from a business perspective too, to start suggesting people follow a more plant based diet? that way, you'd not have to take stats on things like how many abrasions your cows sustain, because honestly, cows shouldn't be suffering anything at all. It would be super too, if you could remove all the misleading imagery of cows in fields which implies wholesomeness to your less knowledgable customers, because it's not true and it's not fair.
LikeReply512 mins
Craig Bates Oh tesco, you and your banter.
LikeReply29 mins
Alan Daniels Standard issue reply!
LikeReply38 mins
Melissa Thomson I didn't realise you live exported for breeding purposes, thank you for informing us Tesco! I'll be sure to let everyone know that you also force animals to be transported around the world to be artificially inseminated and eventually murdered. You also want all of your pig suppliers to use gas chambers by 2018, people will learn the truth. There is no such thing as happy cows that are raped and forced to watch their babies being dragged away from them and murdered.
LikeReply21 min
Noelle Obcarskas Tesco I am stopping my shopping with you. is it not enough the tax payers fund these cruel and unhealthy products ? you are encouragng the myths and lies by not mentioningn that every glass of milk means a baby calf was taken away from its mother and killed to take the unhealthy for humans unnatural milk from its mother who herself will be killed in terror age 5 after no more use as a a milk machine.
LikeReply31 hrEdited
Yvonne Szachulska My 2 posts have been deleted!
Rekha Rubi Sheppard Same with me, just keep re-posting
Ollie Norris Yeah, Tesco... do you genuinely believe that dairy cows are happy and healthy when they're bred for their milk? when their lifespans are reduced by 3/4 because they're used intensively so humans can steal their milk...? That they're happy to be separated from their babies as soon as they've given birth...? that their male calves are slaughtered after only a few weeks of being alive because they are useless to the dairy industry...? Stop peddling a load of lies and start to be honest about what really happens to dairy cows... I think you'd be shocked.
LikeReply836 hrs
Tegan Christmas This is not a true or fair representation of how dairy cows are kept and it misleads your customers. You really should take it down, Tesco.
LikeReply806 hrs
Bronwyn Mae Tescos, deleting comments will not make us go away. We are the voices for those who cannot speak for themselves, we just want an answer as to why you allow this false pro-dairy propaganda when the reality of the dairy industry is far from a happy one.

Not only does the dairy industry forcibly impregnate mothers multiple times over their unnaturally short lives, their babies get taken from them and killed. All because some humans are into inter-species breastfeeding and are too selfish to see animals as their equals.

Cows naturally have a lifespan of around 20-25 years however most dairy cows are sent to their deaths around the age of 4/5 when they no longer are able to bear offspring or they collapse from the exhaustion of continual abuse.

The cows are also far from healthy when they regularly contract mastitis from the suffering they are forced to endure.

This is the reality of the dairy industry; if you think it's acceptable for you to consume, look up Cowspiracy or Earthlings and rethink the animal abuse you partake in.
UnlikeReply666 hrs
Shane M Shannon All stores care about is profit.
LikeReply45 hrs
Shane M Shannon All stores care about is profit. Appeal to the people instead, they vote with their money.
LikeReply35 hrs
Shane M Shannon All stores care about is profit. Appeal to the people instead, they vote with their money.

Ruby CarterTesco

6 hrs · Edited ·

Hi Tesco,

Could you please explain how exactly these dairy cows are 'happy'?
Are they happy when they are forcibly impregnated?
Happy to have their babies taken away?


Ruby CarterTesco

6 hrs · Edited ·

Hi Tesco,

Could you please explain how exactly these dairy cows are 'happy'?
Are they happy when they are forcibly impregnated?
Happy to have their babies taken away?...
Happy to not be free?
Happy to not see their children grow?
Happy to be slaughtered when their milk production drops?

It is grotesque that you think you can trick consumers with this propaganda.

You have such a fantastic range of ethical, dairy free products, why do you need to do this?

There is no such thing as a happy dairy cow and I will not be shopping with you until you will remove this hugely misleading sign from your stores.

Happy to not be free?
Happy to not see their children grow?
Happy to be slaughtered when their milk production drops
Happy to not be free?
Happy to not see their children grow?
Happy to be slaughtered when their milk production drops?

It is grotesque that you think you can trick consumers with this propaganda.

You have such a fantastic range of ethical, dairy free products, why do you need to do this?

There is no such thing as a happy dairy cow and I will not be shopping with you until you will remove this hugely misleading sign from your stores.











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2133931297 You and 296 others






Tesco Hi Ruby,

Thank you for getting in touch, we really appreciate you concern and we do everything we can to ensure the welfare and good treatment of our cows.

Producing around 8,000 litres of milk a year can be hard work for a dairy cow so it’s important to us that they are as healthy and happy as possible. To ensure this we have a dedicated agriculture team at Tesco, who are responsible for writing and implementing our strict Tesco Agriculture Requirements. We also work with independent experts, such as vets, to ensure we keep improving things. And to make sure our suppliers always follow these codes, our TSDG dairy farmers are visited every year by an independent auditor.

We have clear welfare measures for cow body condition, antibiotic usage, mortality rates, calving success, record keeping and more. We set targets for improvement each year, and monitor important areas such as lameness, cleanliness and cow health in each farm. This allows TSDG farmers to compare their performance with the rest of the group and allows us to target any help and resources to the areas where farmers need it most. Examples of improvements we have driven across the group include cow mobility (4.63%) and reduced abrasions (4.71%). To find out how farmers access and use this data via the new dairy health index in our Latest News on the homepage.

Calves produced on TSDG dairy farms are not allowed to be live exported, except for breeding
purposes, and transport times for all our cows are kept to a minimum. We do not support cloning and do not allow the use of growth hormones, and we discourage the prophylactic use of antibiotics.

Here is a link to our website which contains our fair for farmers guarantee, which includes additional information.


Have a lovely day, if you require any further assistance, please get in touch.

Thank you
Andrew - Customer Care

Fair For Farmers Guarantee

Fair For Farmers Guarantee


Like · Reply · 13 mins

Noelle Obcarskas


Noelle Obcarskas Tesco I am stopping my shopping with you. is it not enough the tax payers fund these cruel and unhealthy products ? you are encouragng the myths and lies by not mentioningn that every glass of milk means a baby calf was taken away from its mother and killed to take the unhealthy for humans unnatural milk from its mother who herself will be killed in terror age 5 after no more use as a a milk machine.

Like · Reply · 3 · 1 hr · Edited

Yvonne Szachulska


Yvonne Szachulska My 2 posts have been deleted!

Like · Reply · 3 hrs

Rekha Rubi Sheppard


Rekha Rubi Sheppard Same with me, just keep re-posting

Like · Reply · 2 hrs

Noelle Obcarskas

Write a reply...


Ollie Norris


Ollie Norris Yeah, Tesco... do you genuinely believe that dairy cows are happy and healthy when they're bred for their milk? when their lifespans are reduced by 3/4 because they're used intensively so humans can steal their milk...? That they're happy to be separated from their babies as soon as they've given birth...? that their male calves are slaughtered after only a few weeks of being alive because they are useless to the dairy industry...? Stop peddling a load of lies and start to be honest about what really happens to dairy cows... I think you'd be shocked.

Like · Reply · 80 · 6 hrs

Tegan Christmas


Tegan Christmas This is not a true or fair representation of how dairy cows are kept and it misleads your customers. You really should take it down, Tesco.

Like · Reply · 79 · 6 hrs

Bronwyn Mae


Bronwyn Mae Tescos, deleting comments will not make us go away. We are the voices for those who cannot speak for themselves, we just want an answer as to why you allow this false pro-dairy propaganda when the reality of the dairy industry is far from a happy one.

Not only does the dairy industry forcibly impregnate mothers multiple times over their unnaturally short lives, their babies get taken from them and killed. All because some humans are into inter-species breastfeeding and are too selfish to see animals as their equals.

Cows naturally have a lifespan of around 20-25 years however most dairy cows are sent to their deaths around the age of 4/5 when they no longer are able to bear offspring or they collapse from the exhaustion of continual abuse.

The cows are also far from healthy when they regularly contract mastitis from the suffering they are forced to endure.

This is the reality of the dairy industry; if you think it's acceptable for you to consume, look up Cowspiracy or Earthlings and rethink the animal abuse you partake in.

Unlike · Reply · 61 · 5 hrs

Shane M Shannon


Shane M Shannon All stores care about is profit.

Like · Reply · 4 · 5 hrs

Shane M Shannon


Shane M Shannon All stores care about is profit. Appeal to the people instead, they vote with their money.

Like · Reply · 3 · 5 hrs

Shane M Shannon


Shane M Shannon All stores care about is profit. Appeal to the people instead, they vote with their money.

Like · Reply · 5 hrs

Noelle Obcarskas

Write a reply...


Deccy Jarrett


Deccy Jarrett Who confirmed the cows were happy? Tesco or the farmers? This Dr Doolittle of sorts could make millio.....oh wait

Unlike · Reply · 46 · 6 hrs · Edited

Ruby Carter


Ruby Carter Tesco why are you deleting people's comments? We have stated nothing but facts

Like · Reply · 88 · 6 hrs

Philip Warda


Philip Warda Omg I love you Ruby! Keep up the great work https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v8/f4c/1/16/1f642.png:)

Like · Reply · 1 · 4 hrs

Ruby Carter


Ruby Carter Thank you https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v8/f4c/1/16/1f642.png:) https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v8/f6c/1/16/2764.png<3

Like · Reply · 1 · 3 hrs

Noelle Obcarskas

Write a reply...


Emma Jade Easton


Emma Jade Easton Dairy rapes mothers and steals their innocent babies to turn them into veal (baby cow meat) and milking machines. There is no such thing as a 'Happy cow' in the dairy industry. Stop promoting cruelty. Cows or should i say the calves milk is made 4 them not humans, so is not only unethical its unhealthy too..so don't buy into the dairy industry myth...google save our bones, and the truth about dairy

Like · Reply · 54 · 6 hrs · Edited

Clare 'Bear' Edmonds


Clare 'Bear' Edmonds Tesco only delete the comments as they have no answers or facts to back themselves up, I shop at Tescos alot but will certainly look into getting my shopping elsewhwere in future unless they actually see the lies they are giving out to their customers, you answer Ruby's post but failed to see what her post was actually about & then keep on about how happy your cows are.... they really are not happy cows, put yourself in their position then tell me how happy you are.

Unlike · Reply · 27 · 5 hrs

Esther Julian


Esther Julian This is false. There is still puss in the milk. Cows still suffer as their children are taken away so we can take their food which is unhealthy for us and can lead to osteoporosis. Dairy cows are milked to death and slaughtered around 5 years old when ...See More

Like · Reply · 22 · 4 hrs

Bill Gibbons


Bill Gibbons "It's terrible when they take their calves away, the cows cry for days" Words spoken to me by a customer who lives next to a dairy farm near Bath. These words have never left me.....

Like · Reply · 21 · 5 hrs

1 Reply

Tom Veg


Tom Veg Tesco, I realise you simply respond to supply and demand (which is why your plant milk sales are through the roof and your number of varieties are constantly expanding) but there's no reason to perpetrate dairy industry propaganda in your stores. I know you'll have immense pressure from the industry to do this but as a customer-focused retailer you should stay impartial and listen to your customer's concerns with this issue. We know diary milk isn't going away overnight, but there's no need for false advertising like this.

Thanks for listening.

Like · Reply · 30 · 5 hrs

2 Replies · 44 mins

Lynda Beard


Lynda Beard Tesco- you can't speak on the behalf of the animals you exploit. They don't have a voice so please stop lying to mislead the public into buying these products. They're not happy and you know it.

Unlike · Reply · 11 · 4 hrs

Kayli Black


Kayli Black They do have a voice. They use it to cry out in despair. They use it to argue with the farmers that push them into crates. They do have voices. We just don't understand their language. Well, most people don't https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v8/f40/1/16/1f62d.png😭 x

Like · Reply · 3 · 3 hrs

Lynda Beard


Lynda Beard I agree https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v8/fe7/1/16/1f494.png💔 I was referring to how the public buying it don't get to hear their side, and instead get told this kind of rubbish x

Like · Reply · 1 · 3 hrs

Noelle Obcarskas

Write a reply...


Connar Neacel


Connar Neacel Do you not think it's your duty to serve your customers in the most professional and honest manner possible?

Why is then that you're promoting lies and cruelty? Is it because you're receiving are large monetary sum from the government, because dairy farms are going down the drain? Is that the reason?

It's a desperate attempt to save an industry that belongs in the dark ages, this level of cruelty has no space in 2017 and people are waking up to it.

This dreadful campaign will only lose you customers, who have probably thought for the years they've shopped at Tesco, you were a decent company. Why sabotage yourselves like that? All in the name of greed. It's pathetic.

Like · Reply · 36 · 5 hrs

Lisa Martin


Lisa Martin Wow the dairy industry will do anything and pay anyone to keep spreading the lies as people are seeing the truth! Diary is dying, deal with it! https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v8/fd0/1/16/1f602.png😂https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v8/fd0/1/16/1f602.png😂https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v8/fd0/1/16/1f602.png😂

Unlike · Reply · 25 · 5 hrs

Steven Coole


Steven Coole Just posted on the Tesco FB page using Ruby's photo: Please see the attached photo. The farmers do not ensure their cows are "happy".
The cows are artificially inseminated which involves a vet inserting most of his arm up the cows anus in order to aid the insertion of the catheter which carries the semen. After the cow has carried her calf for 9 months and given birth, the calf is taken away from her, causing both the cow and the calf to experience grief. The cows can almost scream for their missing calves.
Male calves are either installed in veal crates, raised to produce beef, or shot in the head within 24 hours of birth. The female calves go on to lead a similar life to their mothers, i.e. to go through 3 or 4 pregnancies and births, only for the calves to be taken away each time, so that humans can steal her milk.
Cows are typically slaughtered at around 5 years old because they are deemed "spent". Cow can typically live for over 20 years outside the dairy industry.
In the slaughterhouse, the cow will be stunned with a captive bolt gun (often unsuccessfully), hoisted upside down by one hind leg, and then have her throat slit in order to kill her. However, some cows are still conscious by the time they are "processed".
So Tesco, please tell me how this makes a "happy" cow? Your sign as shown in the photograph is deceitful and utterly offensive.

Unlike · Reply · 15 · 5 hrs

Christina Chad


Christina Chad #Tesco at the very least, you should remove this extremely deceptive sign. 70% of dairy cows get mastitis https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v8/f4c/1/16/1f642.png(= pus in milk) and bones protrude as they literally cannot eat enough to keep producing milk *whilst pregnant*. "Happy and healthy"....?

Unlike · Reply · 29 · 5 hrs · Edited

Tamsin Karys Jeffries


Tamsin Karys Jeffries Funny that they choose those images of the cows in a lovely green field and not one of newborn calf all alone looking for his mum or one of a knife slicing through his mums neck once she's given all the milk she can at around a quarter of her life span . . Well it's not funny but you know what I mean https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v8/f6d/1/16/1f610.png😐 wake up people the milk industry is an animal abuse industry!

Unlike · Reply · 21 · 5 hrs · Edited

Hannah Moore


Hannah Moore I very much doubt the cows are happy about being enslaved, forcibly impregnated and then having their babies stolen and killed.

Like · Reply · 32 · 5 hrs

Aziz Salem


Aziz Salem Tesco why are you lying and spreading misinformation to force breast milk down people's throats?
Why not do something more harmonious and productive rather than enslave and torture innocent beings especially when the result isn't even fit for human consumption?

Like ·


Ruby CarterTesco

7 hrs · Edited ·

Hi Tesco,

Could you please explain how exactly these dairy cows are 'happy'?
Are they happy when they are forcibly impregnated?
Happy to have their babies taken away?...
Happy to not be free?
Happy to not see their children grow?
Happy to be slaughtered when their milk production drops?

It is grotesque that you think you can trick consumers with this propaganda.

You have such a fantastic range of ethical, dairy free products, why do you need to do this?

There is no such thing as a happy dairy cow and I will not be shopping with you until you will remove this hugely misleading sign from your stores. See More










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2194231306 You and 305 others






Tesco Hi Ruby,

Thank you for getting in touch, we really appreciate you concern and we do everything we can to ensure the welfare and good treatment of our cows. ...See More

Fair For Farmers Guarantee

Fair For Farmers Guarantee


Like · Reply · 40 mins

Hide 13 Replies

Connar Neacel


Connar Neacel Any reason why you delete the previous comment? Was the because there was too much truth for you guys to handle? What's to hide?

Like · Reply · 10 · 39 mins

Ollie Norris


Ollie Norris can you stop chatting a load of rubbish please tesco. Unless you've asked the cows and they have said they are happy unhealthy, then you can't really say much.

Like · Reply · 11 · 39 mins

Beckii Parnham


Beckii Parnham I love how you posted this again so it would appear right at the top to hide the truth below https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v8/fd0/1/16/1f602.png😂

Like · Reply · 13 · 39 mins

Claire Hart


Claire Hart You're simply trying to justify animal exploitation. It is inexcusable.

Like · Reply · 7 · 38 mins

Terri Norfolk


Terri Norfolk By these standards.... if a woman was in an abusive relationship where her husband beats and abuses her, it's acceptable if he treats her well the rest of the time and makes sure she is well fed and "healthy"?!

That's basically how ridiculous you sound Tesco.

Like · Reply · 8 · 36 mins

Daniella Loloikjjbhg


Daniella Loloikjjbhg What do you do with the male calfs?

(They are shot)

How do you get the female cows get pregnant? Year after year? Iv researched and usually cows are pregnant for 7 years? Just to steal the milk? To make money? That's so cruel https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v8/fcb/1/16/1f641.png:(

Like · Reply · 8 · 27 mins · Edited

Christina Chad


Christina Chad So I'll repeat my reply on your comment that you deleted. "Fairness for farmers...?" how about fair for cows and calves? Radical!! #tesco, where is the "fairness" in repeatedly traumatising cows and calves, by their separation? To name but ONE trauma they experience ...

Like · Reply · 6 · 32 mins · Edited

Ruby Carter


Ruby Carter Hi Andrew,
It would appear we're going round in circles!
Thanks for your reply. I notice how you have completely ignored the fact that these cows are forcibly impregnated and have their babies away which takes a huge toll on their physical and mental well-being. You claim these cows are happy but note no examples as to how you help their mental wellbeing and temperament.
It's nice to know Tesco supports live exports for breeding purposes, too.

I don't see any examples of anything humane happening to these cows which could grant them being 'happy'. I advise you take down this sign as it is misleading to customers who are fooled into thinking they are making an ethical choice by buying cows' milk. This is a real shame, Tesco.

Like · Reply · 12 · 32 mins

Andrew Goti


Andrew Goti I see you are simply copying and pasting the same answer, that is really a non answer. Why do you feel the need to stand up for this horrible industry? Is profit really worth genocide to you? I do appreciate however that you share the same plight as Lady Macbeth for her involvement in violent criminality: "I am in blood
Stepped in so far that, should I wade no more,
Returning were as tedious as go o'er". Why not join the other dairy companies that are ditching cruelty and changing their business model to only produce and stock plant-based milks? You would be remembered as heroes by future humans and current farm animals.

Like · Reply · 8 · 32 mins

Tegan Christmas


Tegan Christmas Would it not be better for you all round, from a business perspective too, to start suggesting people follow a more plant based diet? that way, you'd not have to take stats on things like how many abrasions your cows sustain, because honestly, cows shouldn't be suffering anything at all. It would be super too, if you could remove all the misleading imagery of cows in fields which implies wholesomeness to your less knowledgable customers, because it's not true and it's not fair.

Like · Reply · 5 · 29 mins

Craig Bates


Craig Bates Oh tesco, you and your banter.

Like · Reply · 2 · 25 mins

Alan Daniels


Alan Daniels Standard issue reply!

Like · Reply · 3 · 25 mins

Melissa Thomson


Melissa Thomson I didn't realise you live exported for breeding purposes, thank you for informing us Tesco! I'll be sure to let everyone know that you also force animals to be transported around the world to be artificially inseminated and eventually murdered. You also want all of your pig suppliers to use gas chambers by 2018, people will learn the truth. There is no such thing as happy cows that are raped and forced to watch their babies being dragged away from them and murdered.

Like · Reply · 2 · 17 mins

Noelle Obcarskas

Write a reply...


Noelle Obcarskas


Noelle Obcarskas Tesco I am stopping my shopping with you. is it not enough the tax payers fund these cruel and unhealthy products ? you are encouragng the myths and lies by not mentioningn that every glass of milk means a baby calf was taken away from its mother and killed to take the unhealthy for humans unnatural milk from its mother who herself will be killed in terror age 5 after no more use as a a milk machine.

Like · Reply · 3 · 2 hrs · Edited

Yvonne Szachulska


Yvonne Szachulska My 2 posts have been deleted!

Like · Reply · 3 hrs

Rekha Rubi Sheppard


Rekha Rubi Sheppard Same with me, just keep re-posting

Like · Reply · 2 hrs

Noelle Obcarskas

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Ollie Norris


Ollie Norris Yeah, Tesco... do you genuinely believe that dairy cows are happy and healthy when they're bred for their milk? when their lifespans are reduced by 3/4 because they're used intensively so humans can steal their milk...? That they're happy to be separated from their babies as soon as they've given birth...? that their male calves are slaughtered after only a few weeks of being alive because they are useless to the dairy industry...? Stop peddling a load of lies and start to be honest about what really happens to dairy cows... I think you'd be shocked.

Like · Reply · 83 · 6 hrs

Tegan Christmas


Tegan Christmas This is not a true or fair representation of how dairy cows are kept and it misleads your customers. You really should take it down, Tesco.

Like · Reply · 80 · 6 hrs

Bronwyn Mae


Bronwyn Mae Tescos, deleting comments will not make us go away. We are the voices for those who cannot speak for themselves, we just want an answer as to why you allow this false pro-dairy propaganda when the reality of the dairy industry is far from a happy one.

Not only does the dairy industry forcibly impregnate mothers multiple times over their unnaturally short lives, their babies get taken from them and killed. All because some humans are into inter-species breastfeeding and are too selfish to see animals as their equals.

Cows naturally have a lifespan of around 20-25 years however most dairy cows are sent to their deaths around the age of 4/5 when they no longer are able to bear offspring or they collapse from the exhaustion of continual abuse.

The cows are also far from healthy when they regularly contract mastitis from the suffering they are forced to endure.

This is the reality of the dairy industry; if you think it's acceptable for you to consume, look up Cowspiracy or Earthlings and rethink the animal abuse you partake in.

Unlike · Reply · 66 · 6 hrs

Shane M Shannon


Shane M Shannon All stores care about is profit.

Like · Reply · 4 · 6 hrs

Shane M Shannon


Shane M Shannon All stores care about is profit. Appeal to the people instead, they vote with their money.

Like · Reply · 3 · 6 hrs

Shane M Shannon


Shane M Shannon All stores care about is profit. Appeal to the people instead, they vote with their money.

Like · Reply · 6 hrs

Noelle Obcarskas

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Ruby Carter


Ruby Carter Tesco why are you deleting people's comments? We have stated nothing but facts

Like · Reply · 91 · 6 hrs

Philip Warda


Philip Warda Omg I love you Ruby! Keep up the great work https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v8/f4c/1/16/1f642.png:)

Like · Reply · 1 · 4 hrs

Ruby Carter


Ruby Carter Thank you https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v8/f4c/1/16/1f642.png:) https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v8/f6c/1/16/2764.png<3

Like · Reply · 1 · 4 hrs

Noelle Obcarskas

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Emma Jade Easton


Emma Jade Easton Dairy rapes mothers and steals their innocent babies to turn them into veal (baby cow meat) and milking machines. There is no such thing as a 'Happy cow' in the dairy industry. Stop promoting cruelty. Cows or should i say the calves milk is made 4 them not humans, so is not only unethical its unhealthy too..so don't buy into the dairy industry myth...google save our bones, and the truth about dairy

Like · Reply · 55 · 6 hrs · Edited

Deccy Jarrett


Deccy Jarrett Who confirmed the cows were happy? Tesco or the farmers? This Dr Doolittle of sorts could make millio.....oh wait

Unlike · Reply · 46 · 6 hrs · Edited

Clare 'Bear' Edmonds


Clare 'Bear' Edmonds Tesco only delete the comments as they have no answers or facts to back themselves up, I shop at Tescos alot but will certainly look into getting my shopping elsewhwere in future unless they actually see the lies they are giving out to their customers, you answer Ruby's post but failed to see what her post was actually about & then keep on about how happy your cows are.... they really are not happy cows, put yourself in their position then tell me how happy you are.

Unlike · Reply · 28 · 5 hrs

Esther Julian


Esther Julian This is false. There is still puss in the milk. Cows still suffer as their children are taken away so we can take their food which is unhealthy for us and can lead to osteoporosis. Dairy cows are milked to death and slaughtered around 5 years old when they live upto 20. there are no centers for retired dairy cows so they end us as cheap meat on your plate. these animals are living, feeling emotional beings, not units or stock. you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Like · Reply · 25 · 5 hrs

Bill Gibbons


Bill Gibbons "It's terrible when they take their calves away, the cows cry for days" Words spoken to me by a customer who lives next to a dairy farm near Bath. These words have never left me.....

Like · Reply · 23 · 5 hrs

Ruby Carter


Ruby Carter Utterly heartbreaking https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v8/fe/1/16/1f622.png:'(

Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs

Noelle Obcarskas

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Tom Veg


Tom Veg Tesco, I realise you simply respond to supply and demand (which is why your plant milk sales are through the roof and your number of varieties are constantly expanding) but there's no reason to perpetrate dairy industry propaganda in your stores. I know you'll have immense pressure from the industry to do this but as a customer-focused retailer you should stay impartial and listen to your customer's concerns with this issue. We know diary milk isn't going away overnight, but there's no need for false advertising like this.

Thanks for listening.

Like · Reply · 33 · 5 hrs

2 Replies · 1 hr

Lisa Martin


Lisa Martin Wow the dairy industry will do anything and pay anyone to keep spreading the lies as people are seeing the truth! Diary is dying, deal with it! https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v8/fd0/1/16/1f602.png😂https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v8/fd0/1/16/1f602.png😂https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v8/fd0/1/16/1f602.png😂

Unlike · Reply · 28 · 5 hrs

Connar Neacel


Connar Neacel Do you not think it's your duty to serve your customers in the most professional and honest manner possible?

Why is then that you're promoting lies and cruelty? Is it because you're receiving are large monetary sum from the government, because dairy farms are going down the drain? Is that the reason?

It's a desperate attempt to save an industry that belongs in the dark ages, this level of cruelty has no space in 2017 and people are waking up to it.

This dreadful campaign will only lose you customers, who have probably thought for the years they've shopped at Tesco, you were a decent company. Why sabotage yourselves like that? All in the name of greed. It's pathetic.

Unlike · Reply · 39 · 6 hrs

Lynda Beard


Lynda Beard Tesco- you can't speak on the behalf of the animals you exploit. They don't have a voice so please stop lying to mislead the public into buying these products. They're not happy and you know it.

Unlike · Reply · 13 · 5 hrs

Kayli Black


Kayli Black They do have a voice. They use it to cry out in despair. They use it to argue with the farmers that push them into crates. They do have voices. We just don't understand their language. Well, most people don't https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v8/f40/1/16/1f62d.png😭 x

Like · Reply · 3 · 3 hrs

Lynda Beard


Lynda Beard I agree https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v8/fe7/1/16/1f494.png💔 I was referring to how the public buying it don't get to hear their side, and instead get told this kind of rubbish x

Like · Reply · 1 · 3 hrs

Noelle Obcarskas

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Steven Coole


Steven Coole Just posted on the Tesco FB page using Ruby's photo: Please see the attached photo. The farmers do not ensure their cows are "happy".
The cows are artificially inseminated which involves a vet inserting most of his arm up the cows anus in order to aid the insertion of the catheter which carries the semen. After the cow has carried her calf for 9 months and given birth, the calf is taken away from her, causing both the cow and the calf to experience grief. The cows can almost scream for their missing calves.
Male calves are either installed in veal crates, raised to produce beef, or shot in the head within 24 hours of birth. The female calves go on to lead a similar life to their mothers, i.e. to go through 3 or 4 pregnancies and births, only for the calves to be taken away each time, so that humans can steal her milk.
Cows are typically slaughtered at around 5 years old because they are deemed "spent". Cow can typically live for over 20 years outside the dairy industry.
In the slaughterhouse, the cow will be stunned with a captive bolt gun (often unsuccessfully), hoisted upside down by one hind leg, and then have her throat slit in order to kill her. However, some cows are still conscious by the time they are "processed".
So Tesco, please tell me how this makes a "happy" cow? Your sign as shown in the photograph is deceitful and utterly offensive.

Unlike · Reply · 16 · 6 hrs

Christina Chad


Christina Chad #Tesco at the very least, you should remove this extremely deceptive sign. 70% of dairy cows get mastitis https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v8/f4c/1/16/1f642.png(= pus in milk) and bones protrude as they literally cannot eat enough to keep producing milk *whilst pregnant*. "Happy and healthy"....?

Unlike · Reply · 30 · 6 hrs · Edited

Hannah Moore


Hannah Moore I very much doubt the cows are happy about being enslaved, forcibly impregnated and then having their babies stolen and killed.

Like · Reply · 34 · 6 hrs

Tamsin Karys Jeffries


Tamsin Karys Jeffries Funny that they choose those images of the cows in a lovely green field and not one of newborn calf all alone looking for his mum or one of a knife slicing through his mums neck once she's given all the milk she can at around a quarter of her life span . . Well it's not funny but you know what I mean https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v8/f6d/1/16/1f610.png😐 wake up people the milk industry is an animal abuse industry!

Unlike · Reply · 21 · 5 hrs · Edited

Marie Simms


Marie Simms Question. Exactly which group of cows told you they were Happy? Which farmer or who at Tesco has suddenly become a cow whisperer? Have you not learned anything from the last time you tried to make dairy sound glamourous. The dairy industry is cruel, cows are forcibly impregnated, then they have their babies ripped away from them and go off for slaughter if it's a boy or lead a life of cruelty if a girl. All for you to sell milk to consumers. Which cows said they were Happy about being treated that way. You see a cow roaming in a field and automatically think it's happy compared to the poor souls still stuck in pens. The outcome is still the same. Pain, cruelty and slaughter. Exactly what mother would be happy for that Tesco? No female would be happy to be forcibly impregnated, none! Seriously, get a grip and stop misleading the consumers as this is a blatant lie. A happy cow is one that doesn't spend a life providing for us and constantly having her baby ripped away from her. A happy cow is one that nurtures her baby freely and lives out her life naturally. Dairy is cruel. Simple!

Unlike · Reply · 10 · 3 hrs · Edited

Nicola Guernari


Nicola Guernari This advert is grossly misleading.
How are tescos or the farmers qualified to determine a dairy cows happiness? No mother of any species is happy to have their child removed from their care!! Mothers emotional connection with their children are the same in any species, in fact it's probably stronger and more genuine with animals, in some cases. Cows suffer greatly when their calf is removed. The calves need their mums like any baby does!!! Stop this ridiculous marketing and at least show the reality. This advert and ANY like it, should be removed.

There are plenty of alternative milks that aren't taken from the nipple of an animal.There is no need for us to drink the breast milk of another creature anyway. Disgusting

Like · Reply · 16 · 5 hrs · Edited

Aziz Salem


Aziz Salem Tesco why are you lying and spreading misinformation to force breast milk down people's throats?
Why not do something more harmonious and productive rather than enslave and torture innocent beings especially when the result isn't even fit for human consumption?

Like · Reply · 10 · 4 hrs

Brenda Walsh


Brenda Walsh What a great letter that speaks the truth https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v8/e40/1/16/LIKE.png(y) What a lame response, I notice how he avoids answering your questions with his form type letter. I hope all that read that letter at Tesco went home that night and thought seriously about what you said.

Like · Reply · 6 · 4 hrs

Lucy'lash Cooke


Lucy'lash Cooke Expose the TRUTH!. We know what really goes on. This couldn't be a more inaccurate representation of the horrors cows have to endure for a glass of milk.

Like · Reply · 20 · 6 hrs

Michael Masson


Michael Masson I think it's wrong
Marketing marketing marketing - profits profits
They don't care if they lie to their customers ...See More

Like · Reply · 4 · 2 hrs

Nikhil Sharma


Nikhil Sharma Tesco get your game right. There is no point in lying about the 'welfare' of enslaved sentient beings. Get it straight they are products to you nothing more than that, which you would milk as it long as you can, and then afterwards you would discard them and send them off to be slaughtered for their remaining frail body, which after sustained exploitation over several years is no longer 'economically viable' for you to keep.

Honesty and kindness go hand in hand, so does deceit and selfishness. Stop being selfish and deceitful Tesco!

Like · Reply · 7 · 4 hrs · Edited

Lloyd Ellis


Lloyd Ellis Disgusting behaviour Tesco. You should take the lead and give your customers accurate information. That your milk comes from cows that are raped, abused and treated like objects. Have their babies taken away from them and then are tortured, used then murdered. Maybe more people would switch to veganism if they knew the actual truth.

Like · Reply · 5 · 3 hrs

Ruby Carter


Ruby Carter Hi Andrew,
Thanks for your reply. I notice how you have completely ignored the fact that these cows are forcibly impregnated and have their babies away which takes a huge toll on their physical and mental well-being. You claim these cows are happy but...See More

Like · Reply · 46 · 6 hrs

4 Replies · 36 mins

James Reid


James Reid If this were true, why do Tesco feel the need to push it so hard? Stop showing cows in wide open fields and start showing the truth, behind bars on concrete floors strapped to machines with massive infections crying out for the babies that have had their throats slit after a few hours of life. That's not an opinion, just a fact.

Like · Reply · 5 · 52 mins

Amber Oak-Leigh


Amber Oak-Leigh Why does dairy milk (aka animal abuse industry) get all of this praise, and you have to try and convince people that you're not cruel, when dairy free alternatives are genuinely cruelty free and you don't promote them.
Please watch dairy is scary and educate yourself on how cruel the industry you support is. X

Like · Reply · 24 · 6 hrs

Luna Seren


Luna Seren Would a life of artificial insemination, being wired up to milking machines, having your babies stolen, make you happy? Or healthy?

Misleading consumerism, and for every comment you delete, ten more will come back. You can delete comments but you can't stop people from thinking.

Tesco - Don't reply to my comment with the same "Fair For Farmers" link you're spewing at everyone else. Fair For Farmers isn't Fair For Cows. If you were being fair to cows, you wouldn't sell dairy milk.

Like · Reply · 18 · 5 hrs

Ginger Rose


Ginger Rose R.i.p babies murdered and raised to be forcefully inseminated again and again to only have their babies and get them taken away on week one or as soon as they are born.
Mothers mourn for days or weeks, calves cry and are weak at the knees.

Like · Reply · 12 · 5 hrs

Ziggy Triggs


Ziggy Triggs Omg just calm down guys, poor Tesco have been paid lots of money from the dairy industry and want to do their propaganda in peace . They could have gotten away with it as well if it wasn't for you meddling kids!!!

Like · Reply · 18 · 5 hrs

Peter V Tofu


Peter V Tofu Instead of deleting comments how about you respond to them with facts. Oh wait, you don't have any to support your claim.

Like · Reply · 25 · 6 hrs

Sharyn Davis


Sharyn Davis Ruby we probably have footage from disgusting places which sell Tesco milk.....Chris Hines or Viva may have this footage as you know those videos which show the conditions in which animals are reared...

Like · Reply · 3 · 4 hrs

2 Replies · 4 hrs

Alex Baker


Alex Baker "We work with our farmers to ensure that our living milk machines are... efficient and profitable"

Like · Reply · 29 · 6 hrs

1 Reply

Robyn Galway


Robyn Galway Well this is poor customer service Tesco's and very misleading, I will be cancelling my weekly tesco's shop. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to humans only not to other sentient creatures. If humans were treated the same way dairy cows were there would be an outrage. We are the only ones who can give voices to the voiceless

Like · Reply · 5 · 4 hrs

Beckii Parnham


Beckii Parnham I'm just going to keep writing my comment https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v8/fd0/1/16/1f602.png😂https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v8/fd0/1/16/1f602.png😂 Every time you delete it, I will repost it. If you didn't have anything to hide you would not be deleting posts.

Did your marketing team have a panic that dairy sales were going down? Was this your solution to get customers to buy it again? We aren't that dull!!

Like · Reply · 4 · 1 hr

Yasmin Bemath


Yasmin Bemath Not to mention the number of cows that go to slaughter when pregnant so farmers get a better price because the babies can be taken from the womb of their dead mother and skinned for the highly priced 'slink leather'.

Like · Reply · 8 · 5 hrs

Kayli Black


Kayli Black I just threw up in my mouth x

Like · Reply · 1 · 3 hrs

Yasmin Bemath


Yasmin Bemath Yep not something farmers like to mention when they talk about how much they 'love' their cows and treat them like 'family'.

Like · Reply · 3 hrs

Kayli Black


Kayli Black I used to love horror movies until I went vegan. The distance between reality and fantasy was so distinct. Now I realise it IS reality. Genuinely don't like gory films anymore. Xx

Like · Reply · 2 hrs

Noelle Obcarskas

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Melony Dowden


Melony Dowden Promote more plant based milks! There are so many and they are so much healthier! The only thing your promoting is cruelty, and misleading the public. Times are changing! Stop forcing diary on people! https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v8/f6c/1/16/2764.pnghttps://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v8/fc0/1/16/1f30e.png🌎https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v8/f50/1/16/1f404.png🐄https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v8/f6c/1/16/2764.png#govegan #diaryiscruelty #diaryfreeproducts #plantpower

Like · Reply · 3 · 1 hr

Linda Bridgman


Linda Bridgman It's a joke. Put a video up there, then when that cow is having, it's throne cut, some screaming in agony. How happy is that cow, really

Like · Reply · 5 · 4 hrs

David MacDonald


David MacDonald Tesco like all the rest think on cash nothing else, but we the movement are growing FAST and they are already having to site up and take notice.

Like · Reply · 5 · 4 hrs

Serena Stoppato


Serena Stoppato I can't believe how lame your response was, tesco.
I understand that we don't live in a vegan world (for now) but that sign is a lie and you are being dishonest

Like · Reply · 3 · 2 hrs

Lloyd Ellis


Lloyd Ellis I just called customer complaints and told them why I thought it was out of order. 0844 826 1930

Unlike · Reply · 6 · 3 hrs

Michelle Young


Michelle Young Tesco have you not noticed the increase in plant milk sales and vegan products? Do you think it could be something to do with the public knowing the cruelty involved and choosing not to support this any longer. Get smart and promote cruelty free as this is where your future profits will come from.

Like · Reply · 1 · 3 hrs

Revital Gabriel


Revital Gabriel Happy mums stay with their babies. Dairy cows don't! Dairy is a cruel and barbaric industry!

Like · Reply · 13 · 6 hrs

Ruby Carter


Ruby Carter Still up in several stores. Tesco, when will you remove this propaganda?

Image may contain: 1 person

Like · Reply · 19 · 4 hrs

Kayli Black


Kayli Black Agree with all these comments 100%. How dare anyone tell me an animal is happy. They don't know that. A prisoner is NOT happy. Absolutely ridiculous.

Like · Reply · 8 · 4 hrs

Lynn Hodsdon


Lynn Hodsdon If being raped, enslaved, torn from their babies makes them 'Happy ' what could you imagine might make them sad? !!!!!!

Like · Reply · 5 · 4 hrs

Steven Coole


Steven Coole Ruby Carter - just used your photograph and created a visitor post on the Tesco FB page. I didn't mention your name or where I got the photograph from.

Like · Reply · 2 · 6 hrs

Ruby Carter


Ruby Carter Thanks Steven, no problem

Like · Reply · 1 · 6 hrs

Tamsin Karys Jeffries


Tamsin Karys Jeffries Iv just noticed that I'm going to copy and paste my comment https://www.facebook.com/images/emoji.php/v8/ffc/1/16/1f44d.png👍 x

Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs

Summary of the Animal Agriculture Issues. Cruelty, Unnecessary Deaths, Unhealthy Diseases to humans, Starvation of poor people, Climate Change and Pollution, Wildlife habit destruction and wildlife, water and food reduction. There is nothing NATURAL about the farm animals we humans kill, nothing NATURAL about how these caged animals are BRED and FED so much unhealthy fodder and chemicals that pass into our bodies also, nothing NATURAL about the mass excretions that pollute our AIR and WATER killing off natural wildlife and their habitats.

The FUTURE is to STOP BREEDING DOMESTIC animals that we kill...these are Frankenstein suffering breeds humans created wrongly...chickens suffer heart and limb pains due to being designed and pumped full of fast growth chemicals to be freak unnatural animals that suffer in pain due to the shape and form humans have selectively bred extremes from...just like our pedigree pets...humans have created freaks of nature with many physical deformities in the human engineered breeds. Cows pigs chickens suffer terribly due to this. WE are creating the MASS unnatural suffering and pollution of our planet starving people to waste resources on animal feed plants instead of feeding ourselves on NON GMO CROPS as is possible if we stopped wasting processing plants through unhealthy suffering animals we do not need to breed and kill for our food or anything we need. The EXTINCTION of natural WILDLIFE in our world is also LINKED to this MASSIVE over production by HUMANS of animal agriculture destruction activity !

Cruelty, Deaths, Suffering, Starvation, Pollution, Climate Change is all affected massively by this mass animal holocaust of totally unnatural levels and totally unnecessary to our needs and health let alone the lives of those bred and killed and people starved in our world that we could feed if we chose to not eat unhealthy dead herbivores who have never threatened us and do not deserve to be bred to die for our selfish unhealthy uses of them.

EU FARMER SUBSIDIES...just like USA FARMER SUBSIDIES take 40 PERCENT of all the tax payers funds ! Doesn't matter if we call it EU or NATIONAL that is HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of wasted MONEY on CRUELTY and POLLUTION creating NHS, Health Costs created by animal agriculture abuse ! WASTE OF MONEY ! lets not whine about the cost of Triple heart bypass operations hey when ANIMAL flesh and products like eggs have MASSES of CHOLESTEROL that PLANTS have NONE of  hey ! eating flesh is eating PROCESSED plants ! cut out the middle man ! the middle MEN the ANIMAL farmers are living off the blood of innocent unnecessary deaths of animals instead of picking carrots  healthy alternative farming crop agriculture !

Food economics: What if the world went vegan? - Counting the Cost   Independent OXFORD University UK calculations of SAVINGS to HEALTH CARE COSTS of going VEGAN.

Nestle, Unilever, Mars, Coca Cola, Associated British Foods,  Mondelos/Kraft, General Milk, Kelloggs Danone, PepsiCo  the big 10 companies of FOOD are the BIGGEST WORLD POLLUTERS ! and BIG ADVERTISING BUDGETS to shove their food products in all our faces constantly ! governments afraid to upset them or contradict them or tell us the TRUTH about the harming the animals our health and the planet effects they are having ! as it was for the tobacco industry for DECADES we were told smoking doesn't cause cancer lol ! aha...Heinz the baked beans manufacturer are now of course owned by usa multinational Kraft and have NO VEGAN LABEL on even their baked beans but OTHER  ORGANIC BAKED BEANS sold in uk supermarkets do !

Forget taking a shower instead of a bath trivial hype...don't eat a flesh burger saves many times more WATER for the planet and asthma costs of air pollution due to excrements of mass numbers of animals. The cost of a glass of milk isn't just deaths of baby cows born forcibly every year to be killed for mother cows to produce unnatural for humans unhealthy milk...it is pollution disease and flood defences due to climate changes cause MORE by animal agriculture than all the cars driving on our roads ! bullshit about diesel emissions when MORE THAN HALF the air pollution is caused by ANIMAL EXCREMENTS ! Asthma alone costs the NHS billions ! it wafts over as far as LONDON from East Anglia of course never mind also in the fields right next to us ! and that tosser Cameroon tried blaming the RUSSIANS for not being able to go jogging outside due to STAY INDOORS ammonia air pollution at muck spreading time Political Lies again !

Now. I think like most vegans that IGNORANCE is why anyone doesn't make CHANGES needed to anything in our lives. I like most was IGNORANT of even the way cows milk didn't just flow on tap without producing babies that were taken away AT ONCE and KILLED ! or that male baby chickens are ground up ALIVE as part of the EGG industry ! this is barbaric ! but when you don't realise...that animals bred today are FREAKS that suffer pain in chests and legs as part of the norm of their aweful purpose of existence we human farmers have done to get more money out of these verbally handicapped living creatures...well...ignorance about WE DONT NEED THEM AS FOOD even as it is POISONING us...

My email is... admin@vegan-information.com

Page Sections will include...with HUMOUR and PICTURES and VIDEOS...LINKS mostly to useful further readings...regarding vegan,veganism,information,reasons,links,animals,cruelty,food,health,diet,environment,starvation

Index/Home Page

How and why I personally became/went Vegan...

Millennials Driving the Future Move to a Vegan World Children of the Future

Breaking News

  Health Reasons Facts for Veganism and a special page for Where do you/ I get your/my Protein from ?


Environmental Reasons for Veganism

WHY NOT VEGAN arguments and reasons given

Religious Reasons for Veganism in 1 word it is COMPASSION/LOVE..start page...16th feb  2017

Vegan Food Labelling in UK British Supermarkets...7th March 2017 in one word..is a "MESS". Label with "WHITE V and word VEGAN underneath" or buy Raw and learn to cook delicious food and spirulla it.

Vegan Organisations Links

VALENTINES day, Easter Egg and other Vegan Chocolates


Vegan Books Vegan Cooking Books and Vegan Guides Free, Cheap and Normal prices

Vegan Cats and Dogs Thriving on healthy Vegan plant based food


FOOD ! British SUPERMARKET pictures of Vegan Food Finds lol ! started 6th Mar 2017 to sort out more...

Vegan Events Festivals Vegfests 2017

Other page links to come, vegan athletes, vegan videos of animal agriculture realities, famous people vegans etc

One to tickle the fancy started.. Living Role model .Body Builder Personal Trainer Hin Chun Chui

Vegan Athletes

Industry Specific Pages to be done...Dairy, Meat, Poultry, Fish, Insects, Clothing Fur and Leather, Cosmetics

Mostly simple MEME PICTURE pages with clear concise messages and links to other pages of information facts

Milk_Dairy_Industry_Realities    Fish Realities


Poultry Chicken  Duck Quail Turkey Pheasant Grouse Farm Realities

Those are the NICE pages, then there are THE DARK SIDE PAGES. Links to show the hidden truths and realities.

The Dark Side. Meet your Meat, Fish, Milk and Egg realities.


Meat and using animals is a choosing to make a choice to kill someone else...that involves taking away choice...from the victim.

Webpage created start date 12th Feb 2017. It doesn't matter what we think most people currently think or do...if we think we can do something good even if we think it small and insignificant...it makes a difference. As the fairy queen said to Frodo in the Lord of the Rings...even the smallest person in the world can make a difference. ONE makes a difference. of about 11 thousand killed animals in 1 human lifetime, just for FOOD ! Totally unnecessarily. Just to put a FIGURE to what 1 PERSON can achieve ! SUCCESS ! Every time we refuse to buy a dead animal product we affect the future avoidable deaths of those bred in the future. Vote with our Wallets and Demand Non Animal, Healthy, Natural Food as much as possible. NON (MURDERED) ANIMAL. Vegan.

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