Tesco_Supermarket_UK_British_Dairy_Cows_Milk_Lies_Advertising Advert 21st March 2017 MOTHER'S DAY WEEKEND not for COWS or BABY COWS KILLED and ABUSED!
False Misleading Advertising hiding the truths about how cows milk is obtained through cruelty and DEATH is how the big food industries ripping off customers by addictive unhealthy products funded by government tax payers monies...be it EU or National taxes 40 percent of any nations taxes goes to support Animal Agriculture Murdering living off other at their mercy voiceless no speak English animals born to suffer and be killed young for profits of lazy no good farmers who should work and earn their own living instead of being abusive murdering parasites of innocent harmless defenceless animals. This animal agriculture kills calves, their mothers, abuses them impregnating them forcibly in what the industry itself calls RAPE each year to then take away the baby calves and kill them also.
A simple comment about a March 2017 misleading promotion of failing falling sales nationwide in the UK as in all of Europe and the USA in recent years to try and bolster this failing lying cruel and unhealthy business and industry...desperate measure to tell us yet MORE lies...and deleting comments politely reasonably pointing out the TRUTHS of the Cruel Unhealthy Dairy Industry

SOME of the Facebook posts...TESCOS are DELETING comments on the TESCO FACEBOOK PAGE to do with Truths and Myths and Lies about the Dairy Industry and Cows Milk
but FIRST for amusement and much truth is in jest..my comment on seeing a complaint about Tesco Standard British Breakfast !
8 hrs ·
Visited Hillingdon Tesco Hastings yesterday and thought we would have breakfast in the new cafe that they had reopened. Well we were shocked when our breakfast came out with burnt sausages on the. We had to asked for the breakfast to be re done and as you see you couldn't play spot the difference with it. My dad being a retired head chef couldn't believe that he had to educate the staff there in how to cook a sausage correctly. Not only so they could provide some what of a decent customer service but the health risks that go with burnt food. Burnt food is carcinogenic which can cause cancer. I won't be surprised if this cafe lasts as long as the last cafe that was there if they carry on.
"We work with our farmers to ensure that their cows are Happy and Healthy" what a lie. Happiness of cows ? who do not Speak English ! who are impregnated and babies taken off them every year for 5 years until they themselves are taken to be killed in fear and terror like any animal being killed ! Baby cows calves taken away from their mothers and killed are happy cows ? come on !

Hi Tesco,
Could you please explain how exactly these dairy cows are 'happy'?
Are they happy when they are forcibly impregnated?
Happy to have their babies taken away?...
Happy to not be free?
Happy to not see their children grow?
Happy to be slaughtered when their milk production drops?
It is grotesque that you think you can trick consumers with this propaganda.
You have such a fantastic range of ethical, dairy free products, why do you need to do this?
There is no such thing as a happy dairy cow and I will not be shopping with you until you will remove this hugely misleading sign from your stores. See More