Links to Recipes on Major Vegan Websites to add here. VIVA, GOVEGANWORLD, PETA etc etc organisations even Francione Abolitionist Vegan Recipes pages.
I am partial to...TRADITIONAL Olde Worlde Indian, Chinese and Far East Vegan delicious meals !
That said...Every Continent has Veganised or Olde Worlde Vegan Recipies to try and enjoy ! Spanish Vegan Food in particular is my favorite European Vegan food.
Firstly, there are many ONLINE readable texts, webpages of the Vegan Society, PETA, GoVeganWorld, Animal Aid, Mercy for Animals etc of the Animal Rights and Welfare Organisations. (Vegan Organisations)
Secondly, there are Monthly Magazines for Recipes and Current Affairs. Subscriptions to Vegan Life, Vegan Food, Vegan Living etc available and readable hard copy or online digital versions. Links to subscriptions at bottom of this page.
Vegan Lifestyle Books, Vegan Food and Recipy Books, Vegan Story Books, Vegan General Issues Books, Vegan Novels about how people became Vegans.
Many of the Vegan Organisations have Vegan Food Cooking books and recipies. Printing the Online booklets and recipes means needing a printer of course.
Cheap Excellent Brief Explanation Information Vegan Books. Nutrition, World Hunger and Lifestyle.
Then the Very low cost 1gbp level cost books ! the EXCELLENT magazine with loads of explanations and nice to read articles for 4GBP from VIVA I find great...
Meat is not the only reason for world hunger but it is high up in the major league. Find out who in the world is hungry, why countries are in debt, why factory farming is a disaster for the developing world and going vegetarian is a vital solution. Introduction by Jeremy Rifkin. 1 GBP 20 pages brochure. 12 page brief pamphlet. 1gbp
The FREE VEGAN Lifestyle and COOKERY FOOD ONLINE READABLE RECIPES/BOOKS ! by INTERNATIONAL CUISINE recipes VERY comprehensive volume of recipe. for recipes
38 recipes of BBC online.
Veganuary Vegan Recipes International Sections
Meat Free for Under a Fiver ! booklet for a full week of International Vegan Meals ! Indian, Chinese, Italian, Mexican, West African, American and English Shepherds pie etc
The best INTERNATIONAL for each day of the Week Recipy small booklet/pamphet from ANIMAL AID in pdf as well as pamphlet hard copy. Printable offscreen and orderable by post.
Spare the turkey this year and give yourself a real gourmet treat! These recipes are great for Christmas, birthdays, Sunday lunch or just a special treat. For more ideas for a cruelty-free Christmas download our FREE Compassionate Christmas guide.
Going vegan is much easier than you think. To help you get started, order a FREE Go Vegan pack, which includes recipes, advice on nutrition, tips on shopping and much more.
Here are some vegan books with links to where purchasable. I recently found a SUPERB online location called Book Depository where one can buy books with free postage ! well not expensive postage nothing in life is free. Here are some of the books I have bought or ordered recently ! I add I did not buy any before I became vegan lol. I had not researched them then.
The Book Depository. personally i have not read any of these. However that is a useful website for receipes etc.
The China Study is one definite excellent read however. This famed book details the “most comprehensive study of nutrition ever conducted” and highlights the connection between what we eat and today’s top killers: heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
12.99gbp free postage worldwide.
This book just arrived. I go read on the Doctor Blog online also. 6.92 GBP ! bargain price ! it has recepes in it and I see another book of more recipes anyway I got the blue book.
The definitive, wonderful, vegan crème de la crème of recipe books! This is no ordinary collection of animal-free recipes, for a start there’s sections devoted to kid-friendly recipes; entertaining non-vegetarian friends; eating solo and how to freeze your food to save time and money. Boasting 145 recipes with accompanying full colour photos, tuck into Sautéed Squash with Olive Tapenade & Cannellini Beans, Luscious Two Pear Salad with Balsamic Dressing or our Viva!bocker Glory. Still hungry? Try Viva!’s Very Moorish Moroccan Stew, Quesadillas with Guacamole & Lime Sour Cream Dip and for a stunning show-stopper, our Big Puff Pie – bursting with mixed mushrooms and topped with a crown of puff pastry.
Visit our VCB microsite for even more recipes and fun stuff!
Rave Reviews
"It's like the proverbial breath of fresh air. It has really helped us. Provided much needed inspiration and encouragement. Every recipe has turned out well. The book is a delight to use - so cheerful, positive and affirming! So much info, excellent indexes, lovely boxes at the foot of each recipe suggesting what goes with.....
ESTHER THE WONDERPIG BOOK ! not a cooking book lol... NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERAMAZON BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR SO FAR In the summer of 2012, Steve Jenkins was contacted by an old friend about adopting a micro piglet. Though he knew his partner Derek wouldn't be enthusiastic, he agreed to take the adorable little pig anyway, thinking he could care for her himself. Little did he know, that decision would change his and Derek's lives forever. It turned out there was nothing "micro" about Esther, and Steve and Derek had actually signed on to raise a full-sized commercial pig. Within three years, Tiny Esther grew to a whopping 600 pounds. After some real growing pains and a lot of pig-sized messes, it became clear that Esther needed much more space, so Steve and Derek made another life-changing decision: they bought a farm and opened the Happily Ever Esther Farm Sanctuary, where they could care for Esther and other animals in need. Funny, heartwarming, and utterly charming, ESTHER THE WONDER PIG follows Steve and Derek's adventure--from reluctant pig parents to farm-owning advocates for animals. 11.43 GBP paperback
The China Study Cook Books. Written by daughter of The China Study Medical report Book.
Following the plant-based nutrition regimen presented in The China Study is now easier than ever before. When it comes to meal planning, do you find yourself deciding between healthy foods and quick options? Do you stare at the contents of your fridge, wondering what you can easily throw together? Even on a busy schedule, your meals can be simple, healthy, and delicious! You shouldn't have to sacrifice health or taste for efficiency in the kitchen. Nobody knows this better than Chef Del Sroufe, author of the New York Times bestseller Forks Over Knives--The Cookbook and Better Than Vegan. In The China Study Quick & Easy Cookbook, Sroufe provides menu plans, pantry lists, and more than 100 delicious plant-based recipes that are quick, easy, and multipurpose. Edited by LeAnne Campbell, author of The China Study Cookbook, this book guides you to spend a couple of hours one day a week preparing meals ahead of time. Every dish follows the nutrition standards set forth by The China Study, ensuring optimal healthful and quality eating with whole food recipes such as: Fruit and Vegetable Curry * Mushrooms Barbacoa * Cauliflower Parmesan * Sweet Potato Pie Muffins * Banana-Coconut Macaroons With a foreword by The China Study coauthor Thomas Campbell, The China Study Quick & Easy Cookbook is the next step in transforming your kitchen, your time, and your life. 12.78 gbp
Not only can a plant-based diet be good for health, it can also be easy on the pocketbook. Learn how to forgo expensive processed foods and enjoy flavorful meals based on delicious, high quality basic ingredients. Author Ellen Jaffe Jones has scoured the shelves of popular supermarkets and big-box stores and calculated exactly how much it costs to eat healthfully and deliciously. One week's worth of menus shows how these recipes can be combined to get a per-serving cost of $4 a day, less than an average meal at a fast food outlet. Readers find out how to adapt their favorite recipes, cook with beans and grains, and use bulk buying to get big savings. Ellen Jaffe Jones . 13.00 GBP
I recommend the Book Depository for Low Cost no postage costs buying of books online. There are over 1000 Vegan Food books in their Vegan Food Database ! They deliver worldwide.
Vegan Magazines cheaper if regular subscriptions. Often in Supermarkets in UK like Sainsburys, Tescos etc. Vegan Food & Living is the fastest growing UK magazine celebrating the delicious approach to ethical eating. Every issue features at least 75 delicious recipes, plus ingredient focuses, expert guides to nutrition, important ethical issues, the latest news and exclusive competitions, plus how to take your culinary skills to the next level. 45gbp for 12 issues 1 year subscription.
Vegan Living Magazine also a UK Vegan Magazine. 33gbp for 12 issues a year.
COOK VEGAN MAGAZINE. 5 issues per year.