Not just on Valentine's Day, please remember that all animals have the capacity to love! Every day can be Valentines day for Animals and Love !
Never before in the history of the World have humans consumed so much death of others and their products so unnaturally and so unnecessarily. The past 50 years in particular, our abuse of dead animals has rocketed off the richter scale in fact ! What a human kills and eats in a week today is more than what a human killed and ate in a year only 100 years ago.
Mass Deaths, Climate Change, Starvation Massive loss of Wildlife, Massive increases in Obesity, Heart diseases, Cancers, Asthmas due to Mass Animal Agriculture. 11 Thousand unnecessarily killed animals Per Person in a lifetime the Obese Fat world. The question today for the rich isn't "where do I get my protein ?" it is how to reduce the obesity etc lol !
Modern Chickens are Breeds designed by Frankenstein Humans. Unnatural freak extremes born to suffer pumped full of unnatural fast growing etc chemcials in their food full of pesticides antibiotics etc
The natural lifespan of a wild chicken ancestor was 15 years. a Modern Chicken on the supermarket shelves as adult size is age 6 WEEKS old. The fast unatural growth is achieved by freak selection of extremes and chemcials in foodstuff etc. Internal organs in pain legs in pain the norm. Free range is a myth egg laying hens are crammed in unnatural spaces only the physical size of the hens is the determining factor. DEFRA official UK standards are 19 adult size chickens to 1m2. Ridiculous and as stated really a size of chicken standard not a go walkies natural life standard. DEATH is the reason freaks are born to suffer and die in mass holocausts every day. Eggs involve the mass deaths of 1 day old male chicks ground up alive as the killing method.
Eggs are a Hen's Period. Full of unhealthy as unnatural for humans substances causing cancers like prostate cancer high risk for humans. Legally eggs cannot be labelled as HEALTHY as they are not.
There is no such thing as happy egg laying hens nor their babies that are killed as standard in masses every day.
No wild ancestor of modern hens laid eggs every day all year round.
The average age of an egg laying hen after mass production of unnatural eggs is no more than a few years old. All are killed at a few years old 2 years average and put into waste products.
Broiler/Poultry flesh breeds are so unnatural they are often featherless gangly birds. They are physically suffering due to their extreme unnatural selection and fast growth nutrition given to get them adult size at age 6 weeks old.
Those pesticides, antibiotics, hormones growth chemicals and substances in their unnatural gmo food end up in our human bodies when consumed causing us harm also.
The RSPCB is not interested in protecting the lives of Birds called hens ducks turkeys or quail that are killed in mass numbers.
There is nothing in animals that humans cannot obtain in non cruel and healthier ways from plants. Animals are simply processed plant with additives. There is no need for them to be used and killed for our consumption etc.
We humans do absurd sports for fun that involve the DEATHS of others !
Shooting for FUN animals that have been BRED to be shot and killed is absurd.
Grouse, Pheasants, pigeons are used as simply TOYS to egocentric cruel humans.
About 35 million pheasants and partridges are bred for the shooting industry each year, according to the British Association for Shooting and Conservation.
Gun-toting enthusiasts pay thousands of pounds for armed jaunts in the countryside where birds are sent into the sky so they can be shot for fun.
and THIS IS THE VEGAN ANTHEM ! by Vegan Chrissie Hynde of the Pretenders ! let us not PRETEND to love or even LIKE animals and our fellow humans...if we kill them for unnecessary pleasures that are easily satisfied other less cruel and healthier ways ...I' LL STAND BY YOU !
Other page links to come, vegan athletes, vegan videos of animal agriculture realities, famous people vegans etc
One to tickle the fancy started.. Living Role model .Body Builder Personal Trainer Hin Chun Chui
Links on HOW TO HELP at ONCE...ok STOP BUYING Dead Animal Products and Spread the Information and Stop Breeding domestic animals and HELP the RESCUED ones
HILLSIDE Animal Sanctuary is one...ooh the actor of Judge Deed Martin Shaw supports them like he does VIVA I see lol...nice chap...Eden Sanctuary is another for British and Irish locations of RESCUES..ESTHER THE WONDERPIG in the USA example also...ok the Brigitte Bardot foundation that sexy actress model in France did loads for decades after her career in Fashion etc etc !
Summary of the Animal Agriculture Issues. Cruelty, Unnecessary Deaths, Unhealthy Diseases to humans, Starvation of poor people, Climate Change and Pollution, Wildlife habit destruction and wildlife, water and food reduction. There is nothing NATURAL about the farm animals we humans kill, nothing NATURAL about how these caged animals are BRED and FED so much unhealthy fodder and chemicals that pass into our bodies also, nothing NATURAL about the mass excretions that pollute our AIR and WATER killing off natural wildlife and their habitats.
The FUTURE is to STOP BREEDING DOMESTIC animals that we kill...these are Frankenstein suffering breeds humans created wrongly...chickens suffer heart and limb pains due to being designed and pumped full of fast growth chemicals to be freak unnatural animals that suffer in pain due to the shape and form humans have selectively bred extremes from...just like our pedigree pets...humans have created freaks of nature with many physical deformities in the human engineered breeds. Cows pigs chickens suffer terribly due to this. WE are creating the MASS unnatural suffering and pollution of our planet starving people to waste resources on animal feed plants instead of feeding ourselves on NON GMO CROPS as is possible if we stopped wasting processing plants through unhealthy suffering animals we do not need to breed and kill for our food or anything we need. The EXTINCTION of natural WILDLIFE in our world is also LINKED to this MASSIVE over production by HUMANS of animal agriculture destruction activity !
Cruelty, Deaths, Suffering, Starvation, Pollution, Climate Change is all affected massively by this mass animal holocaust of totally unnatural levels and totally unnecessary to our needs and health let alone the lives of those bred and killed and people starved in our world that we could feed if we chose to not eat unhealthy dead herbivores who have never threatened us and do not deserve to be bred to die for our selfish unhealthy uses of them.
EU FARMER SUBSIDIES...just like USA FARMER SUBSIDIES take 40 PERCENT of all the tax payers funds ! Doesn't matter if we call it EU or NATIONAL that is HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of wasted MONEY on CRUELTY and POLLUTION creating NHS, Health Costs created by animal agriculture abuse ! WASTE OF MONEY ! lets not whine about the cost of Triple heart bypass operations hey when ANIMAL flesh and products like eggs have MASSES of CHOLESTEROL that PLANTS have NONE of hey ! eating flesh is eating PROCESSED plants ! cut out the middle man ! the middle MEN the ANIMAL farmers are living off the blood of innocent unnecessary deaths of animals instead of picking carrots healthy alternative farming crop agriculture !
Food economics: What if the world went vegan? - Counting the Cost Independent OXFORD University UK calculations of SAVINGS to HEALTH CARE COSTS of going VEGAN.
Nestle, Unilever, Mars, Coca Cola, Associated British Foods, Mondelos/Kraft, General Milk, Kelloggs Danone, PepsiCo the big 10 companies of FOOD are the BIGGEST WORLD POLLUTERS ! and BIG ADVERTISING BUDGETS to shove their food products in all our faces constantly ! governments afraid to upset them or contradict them or tell us the TRUTH about the harming the animals our health and the planet effects they are having ! as it was for the tobacco industry for DECADES we were told smoking doesn't cause cancer lol ! aha...Heinz the baked beans manufacturer are now of course owned by usa multinational Kraft and have NO VEGAN LABEL on even their baked beans but OTHER ORGANIC BAKED BEANS sold in uk supermarkets do !
Forget taking a shower instead of a bath trivial hype...don't eat a flesh burger saves many times more WATER for the planet and asthma costs of air pollution due to excrements of mass numbers of animals. The cost of a glass of milk isn't just deaths of baby cows born forcibly every year to be killed for mother cows to produce unnatural for humans unhealthy is pollution disease and flood defences due to climate changes cause MORE by animal agriculture than all the cars driving on our roads ! bullshit about diesel emissions when MORE THAN HALF the air pollution is caused by ANIMAL EXCREMENTS ! Asthma alone costs the NHS billions ! it wafts over as far as LONDON from East Anglia of course never mind also in the fields right next to us ! and that tosser Cameroon tried blaming the RUSSIANS for not being able to go jogging outside due to STAY INDOORS ammonia air pollution at muck spreading time Political Lies again !
Now. I think like most vegans that IGNORANCE is why anyone doesn't make CHANGES needed to anything in our lives. I like most was IGNORANT of even the way cows milk didn't just flow on tap without producing babies that were taken away AT ONCE and KILLED ! or that male baby chickens are ground up ALIVE as part of the EGG industry ! this is barbaric ! but when you don't realise...that animals bred today are FREAKS that suffer pain in chests and legs as part of the norm of their aweful purpose of existence we human farmers have done to get more money out of these verbally handicapped living creatures...well...ignorance about WE DONT NEED THEM AS FOOD even as it is POISONING us...
My email is...
Page Sections will include...with HUMOUR and PICTURES and VIDEOS...LINKS mostly to useful further readings...
Reasons WHY.... How and why I personally became/went Vegan...
Health Reasons Facts for Veganism and a special page for Where do you/ I get your/my Protein from ?
Environmental Reasons for Veganism
WHY NOT VEGAN arguments and reasons given
Religious Reasons for Veganism in 1 word it is COMPASSION/LOVE..start page...16th feb 2017
VALENTINES day, Easter Egg and other Vegan Chocolates
Vegan Books Vegan Cooking Books and Vegan Guides Free, Cheap and Normal prices
Vegan Cats and Dogs Thriving on healthy Vegan plant based food
Vegan Events Festivals Vegfests 2017
Other page links to come, vegan athletes, vegan videos of animal agriculture realities, famous people vegans etc
One to tickle the fancy started.. Living Role model .Body Builder Personal Trainer Hin Chun Chui
Industry Specific Pages to be done...Dairy, Meat, Poultry, Fish, Insects, Clothing Fur and Leather, Cosmetics
Mostly simple MEME PICTURE pages with clear concise messages and links to other pages of information facts
Milk_Dairy_Industry_Realities Fish Realities
Those are the NICE pages, then there are THE DARK SIDE PAGES. Links to show the hidden truths and realities.
The Dark Side. Meet your Meat, Fish, Milk and Egg realities.
Webpage created start date 12th Feb 2017. It doesn't matter what we think most people currently think or do...if we think we can do something good even if we think it small and makes a difference. As the fairy queen said to Frodo in the Lord of the Rings...even the smallest person in the world can make a difference. ONE makes a difference. of about 11 thousand killed animals in 1 human lifetime, just for FOOD ! Totally unnecessarily. Just to put a FIGURE to what 1 PERSON can achieve ! SUCCESS ! Every time we refuse to buy a dead animal product we affect the future avoidable deaths of those bred in the future. Vote with our Wallets and Demand Non Animal, Healthy, Natural Food as much as possible. NON (MURDERED) ANIMAL. Vegan.